Saturday, 23 March 2013

what a hamster enjoys

Hamsters generally enjoy a sand bath, a wheel, a sleeping hut  and a ball.  You can get your hamster many toys. Also think about getting your hamster treats.  You can buy this at a local pet-shop.  They all enjoy seeds and peanuts.  ALWAYS make sure that they have a wheel to exercise and to burn calories on.  Don't feed him/her too many seeds or peanuts: it's fattening.  Especially the peanuts.

how to clean your hamster's cage

If you have bought a spray, that's good enough.  You just spray all the plastic materials and then wipe until the spray is dry.  But if you don't have a spray, just simply rinse everything in warm water and with tiniest bit of hand soap.  About this tiniest bit of soap shall be sufficient.  For the the bottom (where all the bedding is) just throw out 3/4 of it and leave in a quarter, fill up the rest with new bedding or the material for the ground that you have bought. 

how to feed your hamster

Only put one layer of food in her/his bowl.  And it really all depends on what kind of food it is.  The best kind of foods to feed your hamster are:

-dried fruit and vegetables
such as:
dried apple, dried corn...
Think about feeding them pellets: it's all less fattening.
-Seafood (dried) give your hamster small portions at a time of this.

Unlike the dwarf hamsters, the golden hamster doesn't eat cooked pasta or hard boiled eggs.  Give them seafood about twice a week (only if he/she likes seafood), start giving your hamster seafood at about 4 months.  Only one serving of one layer per day.


Give them new water everyday even if there is still some water left.  If you don't do it, it'll rot.  So do it.  Try to remember.  It's your responsibility.  It's your pet. 

Friday, 22 March 2013

a hamster's life

They are nocturnal and mostly like to sleep.  The syrian hamster will fight to death with others of his kind.  So only buy one cage and one hamster.  But you also might wonder why when you see them in the pet-shop they are all in the same cage.  This is because they are babies and they don't mind each other.  But when they turn 6 months, they will grow less fond of each other by the minute.  They need a roomy cage, some bedding or shredded newspaper to make nests.  Sometimes the cage comes with a sleeping hut.  In this case you should just put the bedding inside the hut.  They will all have a pee corner, not always a poop corner (all of my hamster didn't have a poop corner)so just make sure to clean that corner extra well.

How to choose the right cage for your hamster

It all really depends if it's a girl or a boy. And it also all depends on if you like it or not.  It must be roomy and high, so your hamster has something to climb on. But here's what I can suggest to you:

(human) Girls generally like pink.  So they probably pick the same for their hamster.  But you should probably take a subtle color.  For example: Cream, cold red, maybe if you don't want it too girly, green, maybe yellow or purple. 

(human) boys generally like blue and those kind of cold colors
but then again, go for a subtle color. For example: orange, yellow, green, red.

For that I would definitely say brown, black or white.


All right, all right. I know now that you are probably getting bored of only reading introductions but still, as I said, I am still unsure about what else my blog shall be about, but if you have any ideas about what I could post, as usual, just comment.

Friday, 15 March 2013


The actual purpose of my blog will be many things but mostly about hamsters because if ever you needed help on anything about your first pet Golden hamster (only if the information you need is not there), just comment on one of my posts asking me.  Then I will find a time to post your question as soon as possible.
The other things I might post on my blog is still unsure and hard to tell.
My name is not David, my name's Manou.